Photos from first class Beginning Watercolor
I. Wednesday December 4 and December 11, 6:00 - 8:00 Instructor Steve
II. Wednesday January 8 and January 15, 6:00 - 8:00 Instructor Steve
Wake Forest Art and Frame Shop, 139 S. White St, Wake Forest NC 27567
Note: If you missed our first class and would like to start, there is an option. Click
on the add to cart button and check "Dec11Class"
If you wish to give Watercolor Classes as a gift, there is an add to cart button
specifically for these classes.
First, I'd like you to take a look at the watercolors of barns in a snowy landscape. They were painted by
first time watercolor students. Just to let you know that watercolor is not "difficult" nor is "harder than
oils or acrylics." In fact all you need is a cup of water, a brush, a few watercolor paints and a piece of
paper. That's it. Well, a pencil might come in handy, but none of the fumes or smells that you get from
acrylics and oil paints. You can paint on your kitchen table without worrying. Simple.
Our first class will look at the types of watercolor paints, brushes and papers. (The water is pretty much
standard, what you get from your faucet will work fine.)
We will experiment with the materials and try different techniques. And of course, we will create a
painting, after all, leaving a class with a finished painting sort of makes it worth while.
I will provide you with paint and materials for this first class. I will also discuss
and give you a list of recommend paints and brushes. If you have any paints and brushes at home,
please bring them along. We will take a look at what you have and how you can use it.
Our second class we will continue by creating another painting the easy way, playing with our new
Now a side note, a few years ago Theresa and I took some swing dance lessons. What I learned from
those lessons was that when you go to the second class, you probably could use some review of the
previous lesson before jumping into some new steps because I had completely forgotten them. And the practice we
did at home, well it probably could have been better. (The instructors didn't seem to have any trouble,
but boy was I lost in that second class when they began telling us to do steps that they assumed we not only
remembered but were able to do.) So our second painting will also consist of some time reviewing
what we learned, and we will do that the easy way. by painting another watercolor.
Continuing Classes We will be continuing these classes, sometimes working on a single
theme and other times going in individual directions. There might be homework.
Please take a look at the bottom of this page, there as some examples of my watercolors for you to look at.
After all, you do want to know what your instructor can do, don't you.
Only $50. for both classes in December.
You can register on line with Paypal or Credit Card. Please select the option, then click the "Add to
Cart" button. You can select the number of students you wish to register at the next step.
Note: If you missed our first class and would like to start, there is an option. Click on
the add to cart button and check "Dec11Class"
December 11 Class
January Classes - Jan 8 and Jan 15
Gift certificates
Watercolors by your instructor, Stephen Filarsky